How To Treat Cat Asthma Attacks

Just like us, cats can develop asthma, a persistent respiratory condition influenced by a mix of environmental factors and genetic predisposition. Living with asthma can be challenging for our feline friends, as symptoms can affect their quality of life. As pet owners, it’s on us to keep a keen eye out for any signs of asthma attacks and step in with both knowledge and assurance.

In this guide, we’re diving into the world of cat asthma — the triggers, the symptoms, and how to treat it. Our pets are family, and making sure they breathe easy is our responsibility.

Cat asthma: everything you need to know to prepare

Cat asthma, also known as feline bronchial disease or allergic bronchitis, is a common respiratory condition characterized by inflammation of the airways. This swelling increases mucus production and constricts bronchial tubes. Combined, these make it difficult for the cat to breathe properly.

Beyond the obvious labored breaths, cats with asthma might show their discomfort through wheezing, coughing, and dealing with pesky nasal congestion on the regular. Sometimes, they might even exhibit lethargy, weakness, blue lips and gums, and a bit of weight loss due to a decreased appetite.

anaging this condition isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and it’s essential to understand what triggers your feline’s asthma symptoms. The common culprits range from environmental factors like dust, pollen, mold, and cigarette smoke to allergens such as certain foods and even a cat’s own fur. Additionally, stress can exacerbate symptoms, so creating a calm environment and providing a safe retreat for your cat during stressful times is important. While regular exercise is vital for overall feline health, it’s essential to monitor playtime to prevent overexertion, which can trigger cat asthma attacks.

How to treat a cat asthma attack

Helping your cat through an asthma attack involves a mix of immediate care and ongoing strategies. Being there for your furry friend in those moments and staying on top of long-term management play a big role in keeping your feline buddy healthy and content.

Immediate treatment for a cat asthma attack

  • Stay calm – Keep calm during a cat asthma attack, as your emotional state can influence your pet’s response to the situation. Cats pick up on stress, which can only exacerbate feline asthma symptoms. To prevent this, speak softly and move gently. It helps create a sense of security for your distressed pet.
  • Isolate the cat from triggers —Now that you’ve eased some of your cat’s stress, it’s time to figure out what triggered their cat asthma symptoms. Whether it’s smoke, strong odors, or other environmental irritants, quickly move your cat to a calm and cozy space. Minimize exposure to the elements that may have triggered their attack to reduce inflammation in their airways. If possible, set up a safe zone in your home where your cat can recover without external stressors.
  • Use a cat inhaler — When your vet prescribes it, a cat inhaler becomes the most valuable tool in addressing a cat asthma attack. Administer the medication through the inhaler to open up their airways and facilitate improved breathing for your pet. Pay attention to the prescribed dosage and technique to ensure the inhaler’s effectiveness.
  • Seek veterinary assistance — If your feline’s asthma symptoms persist or worsen, don’t hesitate to pay a visit to their veterinarian. Asthma attacks in cats can vary in severity, and professional intervention ensures they get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Vets may adjust medication, recommend additional therapies, or provide further guidance on managing your cat’s asthma.

Long-term management strategies for cat asthma

  • Medicate as prescribed — Managing cat asthma over the long term typically involves following a prescribed medication regimen. This may include bronchodilators to keep airways open, anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation, and occasionally, corticosteroids for severe cases.Before giving any pet asthma medication, get approval from your vet. Regularly keep in touch with them to adjust the medication plan as your cat’s asthma evolves. This approach ensures optimal control of their asthma symptoms over time.
  • Control the cat’s environment — Creating an environment free of allergens, irritants, stress, and other triggers for your cat’s condition can go a long way. You can achieve this by regularly cleaning your home, installing proper ventilation, or using air purifiers. Opt for hypoallergenic bedding and steer clear of strong scents that trigger cat asthma attacks. These simple home maintenance practices can contribute to a healthier living space for your pet, reducing the likelihood of cat asthma attacks.
  • Tailor exercise to their needs — While exercise contributes to a cat’s overall well-being, it’s essential to customise physical activity to accommodate their condition. Engage in controlled and moderate play sessions, avoiding strenuous activities that could trigger their asthma attacks.Consider investing in interactive toys that stimulate your pet physically and mentally without requiring excessive exertion. Encourage gentle exercise daily to keep their lungs healthy, but try to strike a balance between activity and cat asthma management.
  • Feed them a healthy diet — Consult your vet on what a well-balanced and nutritious diet looks like for your cat’s health. For instance, a diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and boost their immune system. However, always take into account any sensitivities or allergies that may trigger symptoms.
  • Keep up with regular vet visits — Vet appointments aren’t just for emergencies. Schedule routine check-ups to keep an eye on your pet’s overall health. Your vet can check on the progress of your cat’s asthma treatment plan and make any necessary tweaks. Catching changes early lets you stay ahead and prevent future asthma attacks.

Whether it’s short-term fixes or long-term adjustments, being observant and dedicated is key in managing your cat’s asthma. From using cat inhalers to tweaking their environment and daily routines, you can make life healthier and more comfortable for your beloved furry friend.

Get your cat’s asthma medication from Inhouse Pharmacy

Taking care of your cat’s asthma shouldn’t be a headache — and that’s where we come in. At Inhouse Pharmacy, we are your go-to choice for vital pet care products without the fuss. We have pet asthma medication that your cat needs, such as corticosteroid inhalers and fast-acting bronchodilators, all available in our online shop. Treat sudden cat asthma attacks with the right pet asthma medication — order at Inhouse Pharmacy and stock up now!